
Click here for other news related to the International House of Japan (IHJ) and here for other news related to the Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG)

Establishment of the “LEAP” Fellowship for Young Next-Generation Leaders and Signing of the Dispatch Agreement with the Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Signing Ceremony Held for the Establishment of the API Takano Fellowship

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Bastian Giegerich from IISS

API hosts a Roundtable with Prof. Perry Link

“檢證安倍政權:保守與現實主義的政治” was published by 玉山社

API hosts a Roundtable with Chatham House and Experts from the UK and the US

Join Us for the Geoeconomics Summit 2024

API Co-Hosts Japan-ROK-US Trilateral Dialogue with KNDA and Asia Society

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Patrick Cronin from Hudson Institute

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Daniel Kliman from the U.S. Defense Information Unit (DIU)

API hosts a Roundtable with British Institute of International and Comparative Law

API co-hosts Workshop with East Asia Institute (EAI) from Korea

API hosts a Roundtable with East-West Center from the U.S.

API Roundtable with U.S. Congressional Staff

API Hosted Joint Seminar with Japan Society on “US Presidential Election and US-Japan Relations”

Takahiro KAMISUNA selected as 3rd API Matsumoto-Samata Fellow

API co-hosts Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogues (NEACD) with IGCC, University of California, USA

API hosts a Roundtable with Foreign Policy Research Institute from the U.S.

API hosts a Roundtable with Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada)

IOG Holds “Japanese Companies in the Age of Geoeconomics Based on Analysis of Two Surveys ” Symposium Jointly with Japan Bank for International Cooperation

API hosts a Roundtable with Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

API hosts a Roundtable with Clingendael Institute

Asia Leaders Fellowship (ALF) holds an inaugural gathering in Japan

API hosts Roundtable with GMFUS/SPF Young Strategists Forum

New Year’s Greetings (Ken Jimbo, API President)

“The Past, Present, and Future of Japan’s Geoeconomic Leadership”– IOG’s Podcast and its transcript are now available

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Sohn Yul from Yonsei Univ. & East Asia Institute in Korea

API hosts a Roundtable with eight researchers from QUAD countries

“Critical Review of the Abe Administration” was published by Routledge

API hosts the “2023 Japan-Korea Future Vision Dialogue”

API hosts meeting with Ms. Cindy Termorshuizen, Canada’s G7 Sherpa and Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

“The EU’s Geoeconomic Strategy and its Future in the Indo-Pacific”– IOG’s Podcast and its transcript are now available

“The Transformation of the Liberal International Order” Book Launch Event

“The Transformation of the Liberal International Order” was published by Springer

API hosts the “2023 Japan-Korea Policy Dialogue”

“Canada & the Indo-Pacific”– IOG’s Podcast and its transcript are now available

Discussion with Yuko Hasegawa commemorating her appointment as IHJ advisor for art and design, now on YouTube

Event Report: API co-hosts “2023 Japan-Korea Future Dialogue”

IHJ hosted a special panel session “Japan-U.S.-ROK Trilateral Relations for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific”.

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Leif-Eric Easley from Ewha Womans University in Korea

API Hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Nikoloz Samkharadze from Georgia

“Rethinking China’s Belt & Road”– IOG’s Podcast and its transcript are now available

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Guibourg Delamotte from France’s INALCO

API hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Eyck Freymann from Stanford University

“Semiconductors & the Economy of the Future with Chris Miller” – IOG’s Podcast and its transcript are now available

API Hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Phillip Lipscy from the University of Toronto / University of Tokyo

API Hosts a Roundtable with Dr. Valérie Niquet from French think tank FRS

API hosts a Roundtable with Mr. Graham Webster from Stanford University

IOG co-hosts “Chip War – Nation’s Technology Faces Crucial Test”

API and Mansfield Foundation co-hosts a roundtable

Submission of “Economic Security Survey: 100 Companies and their Voices to the Government,” to Sanae Takaichi, Minister of State for Economic Security

[Event Report] IOG Hosts Seminar with the Premier of British Columbia and the Ambassador of Canada to Japan

Paul Nadeau, Visiting Research Fellow, published a new article about Biden administration’s economic diplomacy on The Diplomat

API hosts a roundtable with Mikko Huotari from MERICS

G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023: IOG submitted ‘Nine Check Items for the G7 Summit’ to Japanese government

API hosts a roundtable with Giorgio Cuscito

“The Logic of US Trade Policy Today & The Outlook from Asia” – IOG’s Video is now available

IOG hosts Asia Pacific Geoeconomics Council preparatory meeting

“One Year Anniversary of Ukraine Invasion with James Brown” – IOG’s Podcast is now available

“An Introduction to Geoeconomics with Kazuto Suzuki” – IOG’s Podcast is now available

Second Survey Results of 100 Japanese Companies on Economic Security Announced
Roughly half of Japanese companies surveyed maintain advanced engineering information management and U.S.-and China compliance systems

“Japan’s New National Security Strategy” – IOG’s Video is now available

API co-hosts “Taiwan and Ukraine: Challenging Authoritarianism”

New year’s greeting(Ken Jimbo, API President)

API organizes “Japan-Korea Future Vision Dialogue”

“China’s Zero-COVID Policy: Recent Developments & Future Outlook” – IOG’s Video is now available

“Japan-South Korea Relations & Surrounding Security Challenges” – IOG’s Video is now available

MOROFUJI Seminar: Dialogue session between Mr. Matt Pottinger and Dr. Kazuto Suzuki

IOG co-hosts symposium with VUB-CSDS: “Europe and Japan in a Changing World”

IOG hosts inaugural symposium: “Geoeconomics in the Time of Crisis”

“Populism and Geoeconomics: Implications on Free Trade” – IOG’s Video is now available

IHJ’s GC Chairman Funabashi’s new article on China published in the Japan Times

“The Choice Between Russia and Ukraine: The Implications of Global Swing States” – IOG’s Video is now available

IOG’s Director Suzuki featured on IISS webinar on Economic security

IHJ’s GC Chairman Funabashi’s new article on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe published in the Japan Times

“Economic Security from the British and Japanese Perspective” Symposium – Video are now available

Institute of Geoeconomics invites experts from IISS to “Economic Security from the British and Japanese Perspective” Symposium

IHJ’s GC Chairman Funabashi’s new article on Putin’s politics published in the Japan Times

Statement on the Passing of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Establishment of the “Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG)” a private independent think tank in the field of geoeconomics and economic security & Dr. Kazuto Suzuki appointed the IOG’s Director

Dr. Ken JIMBO joins I-House as Managing Director in charge of Programs

Privacy Policy Update (Treatment of Personal Information)

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on the war in Ukraine published in the Japan Times

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on economic sanctions published in the Japan Times

Statement on the passing of Dr. NAKAYAMA Toshihiro, Professor at Keio University

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on Sino-Russian alliance published in the Japan Times

English version of “10-year Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Final Report by Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident” now available on API’s website

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on China published in the Japan Times

“10-year Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident” receives “Excellent Publication Award” from the Social and Environment Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan

Chairman Funabashi delivered a presentation on API’s recent Economic Security Survey of 100 Japanese Companies

Merger of The International House of Japan and Asia Pacific Initiative

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on Japan’s ‘astute diplomacy’ published in the Japan Times

API Privacy Policy Update

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on Economic Security published in the Japan Times

API Publishes Economic Security Survey for 100 Japanese Companies

Chairman Funabashi’s new article on Economic Security published in the Japan Times

Chairman Funabashi featured on CSIS’s “Asia Chessboard” Podcast

Chairman Funabashi featured in the 8th Nikkei FT Communicable Diseases Conference

Statement of MSF Co-Chairs General IWASAKI Shigeru and General Joseph Dunford on the passing of General Colin L. Powell

API published The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19: Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Amazon Kindle

Policy Entrepreneurs Symposium: “PEP Summit 2021 – Opening Doors”

Chairman Funabashi delivered a keynote lecture at 2021 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace

API Fellow MUKOYAMA Jun participated in ANU’s event “Update Japan 2021”

UMADA Takaaki joins API as Senior Visiting Fellow

API Symposium on Geoeconomics – Video and Speech Script are now available

TOGASHI Mariko selected as 2nd API Matsumoto-Samata Fellow to be dispatched to UK’s IISS

API Symposium on Geoeconomics

Chairman Funabashi featured in the Global Technology Governance Summit (GTGS)

API Senior Research Fellow OYA Shin featured in Atlantic Council webinar on “Enhancing US-Japan Cooperation on Global Supply Chains”

API co-hosted online event “The Fukushima Disaster 10 Years On: Lessons to Never Forget” joined by Dr. Funabashi, Professor Suzuki and Mr. Shiozaki

Chairman Funabashi publishes Meltdown: Inside the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis

What has Japan’s Governance Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident and the COVID-19 pandemic?

The 10-Year Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident publishes final report on lessons learned since the disaster

UMADA Takaaki published Implementing the Future

English version of “The Independent Investigation Commission on the Japanese Government’s Response to COVID-19: Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned” now available on API’s website

Prof. SUZUKI Kazuto joins API as Senior Consulting Fellow

Prof. JIMBO Ken joins API as MSF Executive Director

API Privacy Policy Update

API Senior Consulting Fellow OYA Shin featured in IFRI video conference on “Rethinking Economic Security in the (Post) COVID-19 World”

Asia Pacific Initiative Forum 2020 Virtual Event

MURAI Jun, Dean of API Institute of Geoeconomic Studies, Awarded C&C Prize

API Fellow SAGARA Yoshiyuki presented at The 21st Century Public Policy Institute, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)

Chairman Funabashi featured in Johns Hopkins & T-20 virtual conference on “East Asia and the Post-COVID World”

Research Director Hosoya presented at online event hosted by Japanese-German Center Berlin

API Senior Consulting Fellow OYA featured in Technology Alliance Project webinar

API and Brookings Institution co-hosted webinar “Liberal order undone? Japan’s leadership role after Prime Minister Abe”

Dean MURAI Jun appointed Special Advisor to the Cabinet

API Senior Consulting Fellow OYA discussed how to strengthen the global supply chains in the post-corona period

Prof. HOSOYA Yuichi appointed Managing Director and Research Director

Inaugural Symposium of Policy Entrepreneur’s Platform (PEP)

API announces partnership with CNAS and MERICS on Technology Alliance Project

API establishes “API Institute of Geoeconomic Studies”; Prof MURAI Jun joins API as Dean of the API Institute of Geoeconomic Studies and API Senior Fellow

Prof. HOSOYA Yuichi joins API as Senior Consulting Fellow

Chairman Funabashi publishes What Is Geoeconomics?

“The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: Japan and the World Order” was published by Brookings Institution Press

Yuka Koshino selected as API’s Matsumoto-Samata Fellow and dispatched to UK’s IISS

Satoshi Nakagawa joins API as Executive Director

Dr Makio Miyagawa joins API as APIF President and API Senior Fellow

Inaugural Asia Pacific Initiative Forum (APIF) in Yokohama

AP Initiative Chairman delivers 2019 Alastair Buchan Lecture at IISS Annual Dinner

API-University of Tokyo joint Symposium on Policy –Entrepreneurship in Japan

AP Initiative Chairman contributes op-ed for FT on Japan-South Korea relations

The front-line of Operation Tomodachi will be published soon

Reinventing Japan Event – Sustainable Tourism in Japan: Beyond Numbers

API round-table welcomed former PBOC Governor Dr. Zhou Xiaochuan as keynote speaker

“What is a Think Tank? : An Era of Policy Entrepreneurship” was published by Chuokoron-shinsha

Japanese Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a Brookings Institution event on Asia’s connectivity

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed on think tanks published in Project Syndicate

Interview with Chairman Funabashi published in Korean newspaper

Announcing a New Partnership with Tokyo Review

Interview with Chairman Yoichi Funabashi published in the Chosun Ilbo

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a CSIS event on Strengthening U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

Asia Pacific Initiative Launch a New Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

AP Initiative Chairman wrote an op-ed about China for The Washington Post

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the Kan’ichi Asakawa Memorial Symposium

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the G1 Global Conference and the 2018 GZERO Summit

Japan to Take Lead in Fourth Industrial Revolution, Opens Emerging Technology Policy Centre in Tokyo

JASTJ interviewed Chairman Yoichi Funabashi about the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times

AP Initiative’s book, Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock, was highly appraised in a book review by Tokyo Review

Chairman Funabashi’s Speech on “Geopolitics, Populism, and the Media”

Senior Research Fellow Kato joined a tabletop exercise (TTX) to credible North Korean provocations

AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s “The North Korea Problem” appeared in the June edition of Ushio.

Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a symposium with Sheila A. Smith

The Chinese version of AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s book, “Managing the Dollar,” was published in China

“Reinventing Japan: New Directions in Global Leadership,” the English version of “Galapagos Cool,” was published by Praeger

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a conference of NCAFP in NY

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post

AP Initiative Chairman appeared as a moderator at a commemorative symposium for publishing Dr. Graham T. Allison’s book

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at a session of the World Economic Forum 2018

AP Initiative Research Associate Harry Dempsey’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum

【Press Release】Establishment of “World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan: C4IR (Japan)”

(Japanese) 船橋洋一理事長の半藤一利氏との対談が第79回文藝春秋読者賞を受賞

English translation of “Japan’s Population Implosion -The 50 Million Shock” has been published by Palgrave Macmillan

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s interview on Kyodo News website

(Japanese) 加藤洋一研究主幹がベルリンで開かれた日欧フォーラムに参加、意見発表

A record of the GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium, at which Dr. Funabashi spoke, published in the Asahi Shimbun

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Asahi Shimbun GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Toyo University’s lecture series “Top Seminar”

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium on Japan-China relations held at Fudan University in Shanghai

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference

AP Initiative Intern Tamaki Takao’s paper was awarded the first prize of the 9th Yasuhiro Nakasone Prize by Seiunjuku

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

AP Initiative Chairman participated in Eurasia Group Geopolitical Summit Japan 2017

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on “日本の安全保障を考える”

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s book, “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える,” will be published on October 20, 2017

AP Initiative welcomes Former U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman to Tokyo

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance,” was introduced in the Diplomacy and the Shukan Gendai magazine

AP Initiative Chairman’s text, “North Korea crisis and Japan’s geopolitical challenge,” in the November issue of the Ushio magazine

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared on a China Global Television Network’s discussion program, “World Insight”

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on ABC Radio Canberra

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 ),” was introduced in the Weekly Toyo Keizai

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Financial Times

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference

RJIF’s book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” will be published on August 25, 2017

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium sponsored by The Global Forum of Japan

Policy proposal by The Evacuation of Hospitals in the Fukushima Sheltering Zone Project is taken up in the Cabinet Office’s “Expert recommendations: Disaster prevention 4.0 -Concept for the future-”

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Sydney Morning Herald

“Today’s Journalism and Ishibashi Tanzan,” featuring the 4th conference of the Ishibashi Tanzan Society, in which AP Initiative Chairman participated as a panelist, has been published

NHK BS Premium show “Showa no sentaku: Tanzan Ishibashi,” in which AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi appeared as a guest speaker, will be rebroadcasted

An event co-organized by AP Initiative and CSIS to discuss the results of the fourth annual Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum (MSF) was held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

AP Initiative Chairman’s conversation with Makoto Sakurai in the Bank of Japan PR magazine Nichigin (No.50)

AP Initiative Chairman’s interview on Japan Spotlight

AP Initiative Chairman and Research Assistant’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum

AP Initiative Fellow Hiroyuki Nakashima’s report is now available on AP Initiative website

(Japanese) ブルッキングス研究所主催「アジア太平洋地域における開発融資の機会と挑戦」報告 / 中島裕行(主任研究員)

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Daniel Franklin in the July issue of Bungeishunju magazine

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held in New York City, co-organized by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and the Japan Society

RJIF Chairman’s text, “Is there a way to denuclearization of North Korea?” in the July issue of the Ushio magazine

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s new column “G20 Meeting of Think tanks” is now available on RJIF website

RJIF Chairman will appear on a NHK BS Premium show, “Eiyuutachi no sentaku: Kentaro Kaneko,” on June 1, 2017

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Washington Times

RJIF’s book, “Personal networks and social resilience – The evacuation of hospitals in the Fukushima sheltering zone,” had its general release on May 15, 2017

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Kazutoshi Hando in the June issue of Bungeishunju magazine

RJIF Chairman spoke at Sasakawa USA’s Fourth Annual Security Forum held in Washington, D.C.

RJIF Chairman spoke at the Japan National Press Club as a guest speaker for their interview series

RJIF Chairman participated in the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington, D.C.

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Center website

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Foreign Affairs website

RJIF Intern Jorel Chan held a photography exhibition at the Embassy of Japan in Singapore

RJIF Chairman spoke at the New Economy Summit (NEST) 2017

RJIF Chairman’s interview in The Strategist

Book review of “Galapagos Cool” published on DIAMOND ONLINE

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a round-table held by the International Friendship Exchange Council

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held by the Global Forum of Japan

RJIF held its fifth anniversary event featuring two panel discussions, “21st Century Think Tank Vision” and “Why Japan Matters,” and the commemorative reception

RJIF’s book, “Galapagos Cool,” was published on February 24, 2017

RJIF Chairman will speak at the JAPAN HOUSE Forum 2017

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a symposium held by the Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC NewsRadio

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the New York Times

RJIF Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka has co-written a report from Sasakawa USA

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comment in a Bloomberg article

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS (Washington, D.C.) was held at CSIS Headquarters

RJIF Chairman spoke at the World Economic Forum 2017

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s op-ed published in the Chugoku Shimbun

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a discussion held by the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Washington Post

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS will be held at CSIS Headquarters(Washington, D.C.)

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a panel discussion held by the SAIS, a division of The Johns Hopkins University (Washington, D.C.)

RJIF Chairman’s article appeared in TIME magazine

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Financial Times

RJIF Chairman interviewed by the BBC

RJIF’s book, ‘Examining Japan’s Lost Decades’ (Routledge 2015), will be also available in paperback

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC RadioNews

RJIF Chairman’s interview on NewsPicks

RJIF Chairman’s articles in the New York Times and the Straits Times

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in the RIPS open panel discussion

RJIF hosted two events for the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Annual Summit in Tokyo

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the Asian Research Network panel discussion

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a discussion at the 7th Xinagshan Forum

Dr. Barak Kushner, co-editor of the RJIF book, “Examining Japan’s Lost Decades,” has won the American Historical Association’s 2016 Prize

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, RJIF Chairman, will participate in a discussion at the Center for American Progress. The event will be livestreamed on October 5th, 2016 10:00am ET. 

RJIF Research Director Kay Kitazawa delivered a speech at Japan Update 2016 at ANU, and co-edited the latest “Reinventing Japan” issue of East Asia Forum Quarterly

RJIF Fellow Miyuki Otomo’s article in the Nikkei Shimbun

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato commented on the Straits Times

RJIF Fellow Miyuki Otomo’s received an interview from the NewsPicks

RJIF Chairman’s article in the Japan Times

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato commented on the Straits Times

RJIF Chairman’s article in the Washington Post

Dr Yoichi Funabashi, RJIF Chairman, will appear on a NHK BS Premium show “Showa no sentaku: Tanzan Ishibashi” on August 25, 2016

Admiral Harry Harris Delivered a Speech in Tokyo

RJIF is publishing “The Democratic Party of Japan in Power”

“Examining Japan’s Lost Decades” book review by David Plott

RJIF Chairman’s acceptance speech for the Shorenstein Award 2015 at Stanford University

Mr. Hiroyuki Nakashima appointed as a Fellow at RJIF

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s article in the NCAFP

Mr. Tatsuhito Tokuchi appointed as Senior Fellow at RJIF

RJIF Chairman named the recipient of the 12th Accomplishment Award by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan

RJIF Research Director Kay Kitazawa’s commentary in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

RJIF publishes article on about sharehouses in Japan

RJIF Research Director’s article in the East Asia Forum

Center for American Progress delegation visits RJIF to discuss “Post Fukushima – risk governance and security”

RJIF Chairman named the 2015 recipient of the Shorenstein Journalism Award.

RJIF Chairman spoke at the World Economic Forum 2016

Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock introduced in Nikkei Business

RJIF Chairman’s essay in the Japanese monthly magazine, Ushio

RJIF welcomes Admiral Michael Mullen

RJIF Chairman’s essay in the The National Interest

Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock introduced in Ministry of Finance’s monthly journal Finance

RJIF publishes article in Financial Times on passive houses in Japan

NewsPicks column: Shinjiro Koizumi and Lawson’s Genichi Tamatsuka urge preparation for the “50 million shock”

Danish journalists visit RJIF to discuss “Disaster Journalism”

RJIF and CFR co-host an event on the Future of U.S.-Japan Relations

RJIF hosts delegates on Foreign Policy Initiative SEED Trip from the U.S.

RJIF Chairman’s response to “What Will the TPP Mean for China” in the Asia Society’s China File

Seminar “The 50 Million Shock: The Population Decline’s Impacts on Society and Business” is held

RJIF publishes article in Quartz on Muji renovating old public housing complexes

RJIF Chairman in the 30th Anniversary Special Edition of The National Interest

Chairman of RJIF’s op-ed in the International New York Times

Martin Fackler appointed as Journalist-in-Residence at RJIF

RJIF publishes article in Quartz on new kind of disaster housing

RJIF publishes article in the Financial Times on Japanese architects pushing to build wooden skyscrapers in Tokyo

Prof. Takashi Onishi, Chairman of the Private Ad Hoc Commission on Population Issue, gives press conference on Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock (English title is tentative)

Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock (English title is tentative ) is published

Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National interviews RJIF Chairman Yoichi Funabashi, in “Rebuilding Japan: the promise beyond Japan’s lost decades”

The second meeting of Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum (MSF) was held in Washington, D.C.

RJIF publishes article in the Japan Times on the growing popularity of off-grid lifestyles in Japan

Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation (RJIF) releases new book in Japanese, Examining Japan’s Lost Decades (Toyo Keizai Inc.)

RJIF co-sponsors an international conference with Harvard University

Announcement of Three New Appointments

“Examining Japan’s Lost Decades” editorial by Yoichi Funabashi in the Financial Times

The Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation (RJIF) published its sixth book, Examining Japan’s Lost Decades (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series), on April 20, 2015.

RJIF hosts a seminar for delegates from Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

RJIF hosts seminar for visiting students from National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

RJIF hosts lunch between Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Japan’s business community

(Japanese) 2月4日(水)、慶應義塾大学グローバルセキュリティ研究所と共催で『吉田調書に見る福島危機』を開催しました。

RJIF welcomes Jake Sullivan, former National Security Adviser to U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, for U.S.-Japan Strategic Vision Program

New Book by Dr Barak Kushner, editor of the Lost Decades Project

Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation’s new report, “Quiet Deterrence ~Building Japan’s New National Security Strategy” is now available

Dialogue “What right of collective self-defense changes (tentative translation)” by Takashi Saito and Richard Myers, core members of “Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum” with listener, Hiroyuki Akita (Senior and Editorial Staff Writer), was introduced in Nikkei Shimbun on August 31th. (article link unavailable)

Admiral Takashi Saito (Ret.), 2nd Chief of Staff of the Joint Staff and General Myers (Ret.), 15th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, both core members of the Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum, were interviewed by The Japan Times on Japan-US alliance, deterrence and cyber security.

RJIF’s president, Yoichi Funabashi’s article entitled “Cost of passive power struggles” is appeared in the Japan Times. The original article was written in Japanese and was appeared in Bungei Shunju (Japanese famous monthly magazine) in June.

Independent Investigation Commission will contribute to the Global Council on Nuclear Security of WEF

Please visit our new project website, “The Special Investigation Commission on Population Issues”

RJIF has launched a new project, “Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum”.

A book review of our Fukushima Report, “The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality”, is shown on the website of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Announcement of Our New Director

Independent Investigation Panel featured in CBS’s well-known news magazine program, “60 minutes”

“Bungled Crisis Management: Fukushima’s Painful Lessons” featured in Global Asia

Independent Investigation Panel members visit Fukushima Daiichi with Former NRC Chairman Dr Jaczko

“The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality” was released (March 6, 2014)

In the commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, RJIF and UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute co-hosted an international symposium focusing on risk, governance and leadership on March 11, 2014 at the University of Tokyo.

March 10th, “3 years on – what did we really learn from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”

February 27th, RJIF chairman Dr Funabashi presented at CLSA forum

March 10th, “3 years on – what did we really learn from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”

Our Chairman Dr. Yoichi Funabashi’s article titled “Quiet Deterrence” appeared in the Security Times distributed at the 50th Munich Security Conference.

RJIF featured in Japan Times article

“The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster: Investigating the Myth and Reality” will be published

(Japanese) 中央公論2014年1月号(12月10日発売)に、日本再建イニシアティブ日米戦略ビ ジョンプログラム著 「『静かな抑止力』を構築する:「民間版 日本の国家安 全保障戦略」の提唱」が掲載されました。

Professor Nobumasa Akiyama from the Independent Investigation Committee was featured in Banyan Analytics Brief: Special Edition on Emergency Preparedness in the Asia-Pacific

Invited from the DPJ Political Reform Promotion Headquarters, co-authors of the book “DPJ Administration: Challenges and Failures” Professor Koichi Nakano of Sophia University, Professor Koji Nakakita of Hitotsubashi University, and Associate Professor Ken Jimbo of Keio University made a presentation in front of the DPJ members.

The chairman of the Independent Investigation Committee attend the assessment meeting at the Nuclear Regulatory Authority

(Japanese) 『民主党政権 失敗の検証 日本政治は何を活かすか』が刊行されました

Reviewing Japan’s Lost Decades project | Dr. Kushner’s article “Japan: a voice of freedom in a stifled region” has been published in the EAST ASIA FORUM

Reviewing Japan’s Lost Decades project | Ikenberry’s interview “Liberal international order should be strengthened to integrate rising China”

Dr. Kurt Campbell and Dr. Michael Green, RJIF’s Distinguished Guest Scholars, held a joint press conference at Japan National Press Club and nearly 200 journalists attended.

(Japanese) アカデミーヒルズにて危機管理セミナー『“日本最悪のシナリオ”に学ぶ「危機管理」と「リー ダーシップ」 ~いかに“最悪”を回避するのか?~』(7月10日)を開催いたしました

Announcement of Our New Directors and Counselor

(Japanese) アカデミーヒルズにて危機管理セミナー『“日本最悪のシナリオ”に学ぶ「危機管理」と「リーダーシップ」 ~いかに“最悪”を回避するのか?~』(7月10日)を開催いたします。

RJIF welcomes Dr. Kurt M. Campbell, the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, and Dr. Michael J. Green, Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)/ Associate Professor at Georgetown University, as distinguished guest scholars.

The Independent Investigation Committee held a panel session on Fukushima accident at 2013 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference

(Japanese) 船橋洋一理事長の著書『カウントダウン・メルトダウン』が第44回大宅壮一ノンフィクション賞を受賞!

New Book Published: “Japan’s Worst-case Scenarios: The Nine Blind spots”

Panel session at CLSA Japan 2013

(Japanese) 福島原発事故独立検証委員会(民間事故調)に続く第二弾、「危機管理プロジェクト」報告書発売決定!

(Japanese) 福島第一原発事故直後の施策者の意思決定過程を描いた「カウントダウン・メルトダウン」発売中です

(Japanese) 福島第一原発事故直後の意思決定過程を描いた「カウントダウン・メルトダウン」が刊行されました

Opinion piece for the crisis management study at IESE/Insight by Kay Kitazawa

Investigation Panel Chairman Kitazawa’s article in Japan for Sustainability News letter

Prof. Nobumasa Akiyama, investigator of the Panel, gave a presentation at Monterey Institute of International Studies

IAC/SCJ International Conference on the Impact of the Nuclear Plant Accident

US National Academy of Sciences meeting

(Japanese) 8/31 日本学術会議 3事故調フォーラム

(Japanese) 8/23 総合資源エネルギー調査会基本問題委員会ヒアリング

(Japanese) 福島原発事故独立検証委員会(民間事故調)で実施したヒアリング内容を公開します

(Japanese) アカデミーヒルズ・セミナー ~野中郁次郎氏に聞くこれからの「危機管理」、そして「組織」「リーダーシップ」~

(Japanese) 北大での「原発事故と民間事故調」シンポジウムの映像が公開されました

(Japanese) 6月17日 北澤宏一委員長の講演会が開催されます

The contributed article to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has been published

(Japanese) プロジェクトマネージャーアシスタントの募集を開始しました

We have already informed the result of Fellow position to each applicant on 23rd March.

The contributed article to East Asia Forum has been published

We closed the position for Fellow

The contributed article to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, SAGE Journals has been published

A Press Conference at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

【Planned】Presentations at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan  March 1st (Thu)

The sixth (final) meeting of the Committee of Experts

The fifth meeting of the Committee of Experts

RJIF delegates made presentations at Davos on January 26-29, 2012

The fourth meeting of the Committee of Experts

Third meeting of the Committee of Experts

News Conference was held November 15, 2011

Second meeting of the Committee of Experts

First meeting of the Committee of Experts