RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance,” was introduced in the Diplomacy and the Shukan Gendai magazine

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” was introduced in the Vol.45 Sep./ Oct. 2017 issue of the Diplomacy, a journal issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the September 30th, 2017 issue of the Shukan Gendai (written by Dr. Yasushi Watanabe, Professor at Keio University).

* Please click here for details of the RJIF book “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代) “