【執筆】『The Transformation of the Liberal International Order』(Springer)が刊行

アジア・パシフィック・イニシアティブ(API)は、「自由で開かれた国際秩序(Liberal International Order)」プロジェクトとして、Springerより『The Transformation of the Liberal International Order』を2023年10月25日付けで出版しました(オープンアクセス、PDF無料ダウンロード可)。




Editors: Yuichi Hosoya, Hans Kundnani

Introduction: Japan and the Reform of the Liberal International Order
Yuichi Hosoya

American Strategy and the Liberal International Order
Zack Cooper

East Asia, Europe and the High Sea: The Geostrategic Trinity of the U.S.-Led Order
Luis Simón

The EU’s Connectivity Strategy 2.0: Global Gateway in the Indo-Pacific
Maaike Okano-Heijmans

Germany’s Indo-Pacific Turn: Towards a Contribution to the Rules-Based Order?
Alexandra Sakaki

France’s Indo-Pacific Approach: Salvaging the Rules-Based Order and Staying Relevant
Céline Pajon

India, the Quad, and the Liberal International Order
Dhruva Jaishankar

Countering Chinese Economic Coercion and Corrosive Capital in Southeast Asia
Nithin Coca

The Challenge of China for the Liberal International Order
Richard McGregor

Northeast Asia’s Energy Transition–Challenges for a Rules-Based Security and Economic Order
Kun-Chin Lin, Tim Reilly

The Liberal International Order and Economic Security
Kazuto Suzuki

The Future of the Liberal International Order
Hans Kundnani