
Chairman Funabashi publishes What Is Geoeconomics?

On February 20th, 2020, Asia Pacific Initiative chairman FUNABASHI Yoichi published What Is Geoeconomics? (Bunshun Shinsho). The book defines geoeconomics as the use of economics by states for geopolitical purposes, and identifies four types of “mega-geoeconomics” that represent long-term, structural geoeconomic challenges that exist in an age of geoeconomics which began with the US-China trade …

Chairman Funabashi publishes What Is Geoeconomics? Read More »

“The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: Japan and the World Order” was published by Brookings Institution Press

“The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: Japan and the World Order” was published by Brookings Institution Press on February 4, 2020. The book has been released as part of Asia Pacific Initiative’s Liberal International Order project, which has examined how Japan may protect the liberal international order and what obstacles it may confront in such efforts. …

“The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: Japan and the World Order” was published by Brookings Institution Press Read More »

Yuka Koshino selected as API’s Matsumoto-Samata Fellow and dispatched to UK’s IISS

Asia Pacific Initiative (API) is pleased to announce that Yuka Koshino has been selected as API’s Matsumoto-Samata Fellow1/, and has been sent to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in the UK as a Research Fellow2/. 1/ The Matsumoto-Samata Fellowship is an API program aiming to send young researchers to foreign think tanks to …

Yuka Koshino selected as API’s Matsumoto-Samata Fellow and dispatched to UK’s IISS Read More »

Dr Makio Miyagawa joins API as APIF President and API Senior Fellow

Asia Pacific Initiative (API) is pleased to announce that Dr Makio Miyagawa, the former Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia, joined our institution on January 1, 2020, as APIF President and API Senior Fellow. APIF stands for “Asia Pacific Initiative Forum” (See below for details).   <Profile of Dr Makio Miyagawa> Dr Miyagawa held successive positions …

Dr Makio Miyagawa joins API as APIF President and API Senior Fellow Read More »

Inaugural Asia Pacific Initiative Forum (APIF) in Yokohama

Asia Pacific Initiative (API) held its inaugural Asia Pacific Initiative Forum (APIF) in Yokohama December 6-8th, 2019. APIF is an invite-only forum which aims to look forward 30 years into the future of Asia and create a new innovative ecosystem together with business leaders from Japan, India, and the ASEAN countries. We seek to become …

Inaugural Asia Pacific Initiative Forum (APIF) in Yokohama Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman delivers 2019 Alastair Buchan Lecture at IISS Annual Dinner

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi delivered the 2019 Alastair Buchan Lecture at the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ Annual Dinner on November 13, 2019. Dr. Funabashi’s speech, titled “We are all small countries now,” examined issues currently facing Japan on the global stage. Dr. Funabashi argued that the United States under President Donald Trump has …

AP Initiative Chairman delivers 2019 Alastair Buchan Lecture at IISS Annual Dinner Read More »

API-University of Tokyo joint Symposium on Policy –Entrepreneurship in Japan

On September 9 2019, Asia Pacific Initiative held a symposium co-hosted with the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Public Policy (GrasPP). The symposium titled “Society Driven Public Policy : The Policy Community and Public Careers in search of Japan’s Alternative Solutions” featured discussions surrounding “policy-entrepreneurship in Japan.” The symposium welcomed leading politician Shinjiro KOIZUMI …

API-University of Tokyo joint Symposium on Policy –Entrepreneurship in Japan Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman contributes op-ed for FT on Japan-South Korea relations

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi contributed an op-ed for The Financial Times titled “Japan-South Korea tensions challenge postwar order,” first published online on August 29, 2019. In the piece, Dr. Funabashi discusses the recent tensions between Japan and South Korea. While arguing that Japan must treat South Korea as a partner and commit to transparently …

AP Initiative Chairman contributes op-ed for FT on Japan-South Korea relations Read More »

The front-line of Operation Tomodachi will be published soon

AP Initiative will publish The front-line of Operation Tomodachi ── Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Japan-U.S. Cooperation in August, 2019. The book, written by AP Initiative Senior Fellow Koichi Isobe, will be published from Sairyu-sya in Japanese. The author, describes how Japan and U.S. worked hands in hands to deals with …

The front-line of Operation Tomodachi will be published soon Read More »

Reinventing Japan Event – Sustainable Tourism in Japan: Beyond Numbers

Tourism in Japan is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. The number of international visitors to Japan has more than tripled since the start of the decade, hitting 31 million last year. And the numbers are expected to continue rising as the country hosts two of the world’s largest events – the 2019 …

Reinventing Japan Event – Sustainable Tourism in Japan: Beyond Numbers Read More »

API round-table welcomed former PBOC Governor Dr. Zhou Xiaochuan as keynote speaker

Asia Pacific Initiative (API) hosted a round-table titled “Fueling Global Growth: Trade, Investment and Financial Cooperation in Asia” at Hotel Okura Tokyo on May 27th, 2019. The event, organized in collaboration with the research institute of the Boao Forum for Asia and Caixin Media, China’s most influential financial media group, was mediated by China-based API …

API round-table welcomed former PBOC Governor Dr. Zhou Xiaochuan as keynote speaker Read More »

“What is a Think Tank? : An Era of Policy Entrepreneurship” was published by Chuokoron-shinsha

AP Initiative published “What is a Think Tank? : An Era of Policy Entrepreneurship” on March 25, 2019. This book, written by AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi in Japanese, describes the history and changing dynamics of think tanks, with a particular focus on U.S. think tanks. Based on interviews to distinguished global think tankers and …

“What is a Think Tank? : An Era of Policy Entrepreneurship” was published by Chuokoron-shinsha Read More »

Japanese Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

Asia Pacific Initiative has produced a shortened Japanese version of “The Article II Mandate: Forging a Stronger Economic Alliance between the United States and Japan.” The original English report was jointly written with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think tank. The report recommends that the United States and Japan strengthen …

Japanese Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation Read More »

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a Brookings Institution event on Asia’s connectivity

On Feburary 11, 2019, the Brookings Institution held an event titled “Japan’s role in Asia’s connectivity: Infrastructure finance and digital governance” in Washington, D.C. After a keynote address on Japan’s goals and policies to advance Asian connectivity by Kohei Toyoda, director for international coordination for the Trade Policy Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, …

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a Brookings Institution event on Asia’s connectivity Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed on think tanks published in Project Syndicate

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi has written an opinion-editorial on “The Think-Tank Dilemma” for Project Syndicate, published on January 21, 2019. In this article, Dr. Funabashi argues that think tanks must double down on their core purpose of validating evidence-based policymaking. He looks at how think tanks face challenges from new competitors such as for-profit …

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed on think tanks published in Project Syndicate Read More »

Interview with Chairman Funabashi published in Korean newspaper

On January 16, 2019, Korean newspaper media group Maekyung interviewed AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi about the international situation in East Asia. In his remarks, Dr. Funabashi argued that South Korea’s foreign policy is overly focused on North Korea, in which he pointed out the difficulty in solving North Korea related problems with only a …

Interview with Chairman Funabashi published in Korean newspaper Read More »

Announcing a New Partnership with Tokyo Review

The Asia Pacific Initiative is delighted to announce a new partnership with Tokyo Review, a budding and exciting non-profit publishing platform for academics, journalists, researchers and beyond to write in-depth and evidence-based articles on issues related to Japan. We will work closely with the Tokyo Review team by offering operational support to promote shared values …

Announcing a New Partnership with Tokyo Review Read More »

Interview with Chairman Yoichi Funabashi published in the Chosun Ilbo

On January 7, 2019, major South Korean newspaper The Chosun Ilbo published an interview with AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi, in which he discussed the outlook for this year in international affairs. In particular, Funabashi predicted that developments surrounding President Trump, such as the Trump-Russia investigation, would continue to pull international affairs in different directions. …

Interview with Chairman Yoichi Funabashi published in the Chosun Ilbo Read More »

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a CSIS event on Strengthening U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

On December 3, 2018, the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) held an event on strengthening U.S.-Japan economic cooperation in Washington, D.C. Asia Pacific Initiative and CSIS have been involved in a joint research project on this theme, and recently launched the resulting report, The Article II Mandate: Forging a Stronger Economic Alliance between …

Senior Consulting Fellow Oya participated in a CSIS event on Strengthening U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation Read More »

Asia Pacific Initiative Launch a New Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation

On November 29, 2018, Asia Pacific Initiative held a launch event for their report, The Article II Mandate: Forging a Stronger Economic Alliance between the United States and Japan, which was jointly written with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think tank. Over 70 policymakers, business executives, military personnel and diplomats …

Asia Pacific Initiative Launch a New Report on U.S.-Japan Economic Cooperation Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman wrote an op-ed about China for The Washington Post

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote an op-ed, “Japan must ponder the risks of closer ties with China” for The Washington Post, published on October 27, 2018. In this article, Dr. Funabashi analyzes the risks to Japan’s foreign policy after Prime Minister Abe’s head of state summit with President Xi Jinping of China on Friday …

AP Initiative Chairman wrote an op-ed about China for The Washington Post Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the Kan’ichi Asakawa Memorial Symposium

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the AP Initiative, participated in the Kan’ichi Asakawa Memorial Symposium on the 20th October, held by the International House of Japan. Dr. Kan’ichi Asakawa (1873–1948) was the first Japanese professor at Yale University and dedicated his life to research in history and the promotion of peace. In commemoration of the …

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the Kan’ichi Asakawa Memorial Symposium Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the G1 Global Conference and the 2018 GZERO Summit

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the AP Initiative, participated in the G1 Global Conference on the 14th October and more recently, the GZERO Summit on 17th October. Both were summits in which experts, academics and public intellectuals came together to discuss pressing global and regional challenges. At the G1 Global Conference, held at GLOBIS University, …

AP Initiative Chairman participated in the G1 Global Conference and the 2018 GZERO Summit Read More »

Japan to Take Lead in Fourth Industrial Revolution, Opens Emerging Technology Policy Centre in Tokyo

The World Economic Forum opened the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan to create new technology policies that benefit all in partnership with METI and API on 2 July 2018 Founding centre partners from Hitachi, Horiba, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, Salesforce, Sompo Holdings and Suntory Holdings take part in launch The centre will initially focus …

Japan to Take Lead in Fourth Industrial Revolution, Opens Emerging Technology Policy Centre in Tokyo Read More »

JASTJ interviewed Chairman Yoichi Funabashi about the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi was interviewed by the Japanese Association of Science and Technology Journalists (JASTJ). The interview, published on June 26th, 2018, compares the three major investigation efforts on the accidents at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Funabashi discussed with JASTJ about the findings and the lessons drawn from the projects …

JASTJ interviewed Chairman Yoichi Funabashi about the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote an op-ed, “How Japan Might Lose Out in the Korea Talks” for The New York Times, published on June 11, 2018. In this article, Dr. Funabashi analyzes the risks to Japan and regional geopolitics from the summit meeting between Trump and Kim, which will be held on the day …

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times Read More »

AP Initiative’s book, Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock, was highly appraised in a book review by Tokyo Review

AP Initiative’s Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock (Palgrave Macmillan, December 30, 2017) was highly appraised in a book review by Tokyo Review. Tokyo Review is a collaborative website for young academics, journalists, and researchers working on issues related to Japanese politics, economics and, society. Jonathan Webb, the author of this book review, is …

AP Initiative’s book, Japan’s Population Implosion: The 50 Million Shock, was highly appraised in a book review by Tokyo Review Read More »

Chairman Funabashi’s Speech on “Geopolitics, Populism, and the Media”

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi gave a lecture on the theme of “Geopolitics, Populism, and the Media” at an event hosted by the Japan Press Research Institute on March 30, 2018. In his lecture, Dr. Funabashi began by discussing the foundations of the post-World War II international system, professing his deep fear that the world …

Chairman Funabashi’s Speech on “Geopolitics, Populism, and the Media” Read More »

Senior Research Fellow Kato joined a tabletop exercise (TTX) to credible North Korean provocations

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA held a tabletop exercise (TTX) On February 14-16, 2018, in Tokyo, with experienced Japanese, South Korean, and American military, security, intelligence, and diplomatic officials to explore trilateral responses to credible North Korean provocations. AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato joined it, and wrote final report with Admiral Michael McDevitt. * …

Senior Research Fellow Kato joined a tabletop exercise (TTX) to credible North Korean provocations Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s “The North Korea Problem” appeared in the June edition of Ushio.

Chairman Yoichi Funabashi’s essay “The North Korea Problem: Let’s Aim for Peace even if it is ‘Dirty Peace’” was the lead article for the June special edition of the monthly magazine Ushio. In this essay, Chairman Yoichi Funabashi claimed that ① North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made the decision on the North Korea-United States summit …

AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s “The North Korea Problem” appeared in the June edition of Ushio. Read More »

Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a symposium with Sheila A. Smith

On Saturday, April 7, AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared as a panelist at “A Talk with Sheila Smith – The Past, Present and Future of US-China-Japan Trilateral Relations.” Dr. Sheila A. Smith is Senior Fellow for Japan Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. The symposium, which took place at the International …

Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a symposium with Sheila A. Smith Read More »

The Chinese version of AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s book, “Managing the Dollar,” was published in China

The Chinese version of “Managing the Dollar” written by Yoichi Funabashi was published by CITIC Press in China. “Managing the Dollar” was published by Asahi Shimbun in 1988, when Chairman Funabashi was a journalist at the Asahi Shimbun. The book revealed the behind-the-scenes international currency diplomacy from the Plaza Accord, agreed upon by the G5 …

The Chinese version of AP Initiative Chairman Funabashi’s book, “Managing the Dollar,” was published in China Read More »

“Reinventing Japan: New Directions in Global Leadership,” the English version of “Galapagos Cool,” was published by Praeger

“Reinventing Japan: New Directions in Global Leadership,”published by Praeger on March 31, 2018. This is the English companion volume to “Galapagos Cool,” which was published in Japanese by Toyo Keizai, Inc. in 2017. Both books were the product of an almost two-year project, entitled “Why Japan Matters,” which looked at how Japan could contribute more to …

“Reinventing Japan: New Directions in Global Leadership,” the English version of “Galapagos Cool,” was published by Praeger Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a conference of NCAFP in NY

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared as a panelist at “U.S.-Japan-Russia Trilateral Conference,” held by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP), an American think tank, in New York on March 14-15, 2018. He participated in the public event “Cooperation or Competition in Northeast Asia? : Perspective from the U.S., Japan, and …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Kato appeared as a panelist at a conference of NCAFP in NY Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote an op-ed, “In America’s absence, Japan takes the lead on Asian free trade” for The Washington Post, published on February 22, 2018. In this article, Dr. Funabashi analyzes the significance of Japanese leadership on TPP 11. He depicts how a new regional order in the form of pan-Asianism is …

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman appeared as a moderator at a commemorative symposium for publishing Dr. Graham T. Allison’s book

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi appeared as a moderator at a commemorative symposium for publishing the Japanese version of Dr. Graham T. Allison’s book, “Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?” on February 9, 2018. Dr. Graham T. Allison is professor and was the dean at the John F. Kennedy School of …

AP Initiative Chairman appeared as a moderator at a commemorative symposium for publishing Dr. Graham T. Allison’s book Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at a session of the World Economic Forum 2018

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi spoke at a panel of the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos, “Nuclear Threats to International Security,” as a panelist. He discussed with the other speakers the increasing number of nuclear states and the threat of “first use” of nuclear weapons, which are dual global risks on the rise, and …

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at a session of the World Economic Forum 2018 Read More »

AP Initiative Research Associate Harry Dempsey’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum

AP Initiative Research Associate Harry Dempsey wrote an op-ed, “Will Trump snap Japan’s tenuous tightrope?” for East Asia Forum, published on January 20, 2017. In this article, Mr. Dempsey explains Japan’s recent attempts to diversify its foreign policy and sets out two big challenges for Japan’s international relations on the horizon in 2018. He suggests …

AP Initiative Research Associate Harry Dempsey’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum Read More »

【Press Release】Establishment of “World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan: C4IR (Japan)”

January 23, 2018 The Asia Pacific Initiative (AP Initiative), World Economic Forum and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry plan to establish “World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan: C4IR (Japan)” in summer 2018. 1. World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution The World Economic Forum headquarters (Geneva) established …

【Press Release】Establishment of “World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan: C4IR (Japan)” Read More »

English translation of “Japan’s Population Implosion -The 50 Million Shock” has been published by Palgrave Macmillan

The English translation of “Japan’s Population Implosion -The 50 Million Shock,” which was originally published in Japanese by Shinchosha in 2015 as the report from the project ‘The Special Investigation Commission on Population Issues,’ has been published by Palgrave Macmillan. This book examines Japan’s population issue, exploring how declining demographic trends are affecting Japan’s social …

English translation of “Japan’s Population Implosion -The 50 Million Shock” has been published by Palgrave Macmillan Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s interview on Kyodo News website

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka was interviewed by Kyodo News, and the interview was published on their website on December 12, 2017. In the interview, Mr. Hironaka spoke about his book, “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える(The real reason why soldiers shouldn’t be politicians –considering civil-military relations),” published on October 20, 2017. * Please click here for the …

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s interview on Kyodo News website Read More »

A record of the GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium, at which Dr. Funabashi spoke, published in the Asahi Shimbun

A record of the Asahi Shimbun GLOBE symposium, at which AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi spoke, was published in the Asahi Shimbun on December 25, 2017. The symposium was held to commemorate the 200th edition of the GLOBE, Sunday edition of Asahi Shimbun, on December 2, 2017. Dr. Funabashi delivered a keynote speech, “A Global …

A record of the GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium, at which Dr. Funabashi spoke, published in the Asahi Shimbun Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Asahi Shimbun GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi participated in a symposium to commemorate the 200th edition of the GLOBE, Sunday edition of Asahi Shimbun, on December 2, 2017. He delivered a keynote speech, “A Global World and Japan,” and also participated in a panel discussion. The other panels are Mr. Hiroshi Aoi (President and Representative Director, Marui …

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Asahi Shimbun GLOBE’s 200th edition commemorative symposium Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Toyo University’s lecture series “Top Seminar”

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi was invited as a guest lecturer of Toyo University’s lecture series “Top Seminar” in November 29, 2017. He spoke to students with a theme of “Getting Actively Involving in The World.” The seminar series invites guest lecturers who are at the forefront of every field. This year, the other lecturers …

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Toyo University’s lecture series “Top Seminar” Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium on Japan-China relations held at Fudan University in Shanghai

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the international symposium, “Economic Integration in Asia Pacific and Cooperation Between Japan and China Under Trump Administration,” held by the Center for Japanese Studies, Fudan University in Shanghai on November 11 to 12, 2017. He acted as moderator of the symposium, in addition to sharing his …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium on Japan-China relations held at Fudan University in Shanghai Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference on November 10, 2017, on his book, “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える(The real reason why soldiers shouldn’t be politicians –considering civil-military relations),” published on October 20, 2017. Talk with the Author : “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える“ Date   :November 10, 2017 (14:00-15:30)  Venue:Japan National Press Club 10F …

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference Read More »

AP Initiative Intern Tamaki Takao’s paper was awarded the first prize of the 9th Yasuhiro Nakasone Prize by Seiunjuku

AP Initiative Intern Tamaki Takao’s paper, ‘Consideration of International Public Policy to Disseminate Hydrogen Energy: Exporting “Hydrogen City”,’ was awarded the first prize of General and University student division of the 9th Yasuhiro Nakasone Prize by Seiunjuku, a public interest incorporated foundation. He received a commendation at the award ceremony, held in Takasaki on November …

AP Initiative Intern Tamaki Takao’s paper was awarded the first prize of the 9th Yasuhiro Nakasone Prize by Seiunjuku Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi spoke at a press conference of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ), on October 25, 2017. At the conference, Dr. Funabashi addressed his analysis on the result of the general election held on October 22, 2017. “Election Analysis” Date: October 25, 2017 (15:00-16:00) Venue: Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan …

AP Initiative Chairman spoke at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman participated in Eurasia Group Geopolitical Summit Japan 2017

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi participated in the Eurasia Group Geopolitical Summit Japan 2017 as a guest speaker, on October 26, 2017.  The other speakers include Dr. Ian Bremmer (President and Founder of Eurasia Group), Dr. Enrico Letta (Former Prime Minister of Italy), Mr. Ichiro Fujisaki (Former Ambassador of Japan to the United States, Distinguished …

AP Initiative Chairman participated in Eurasia Group Geopolitical Summit Japan 2017 Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on “日本の安全保障を考える”

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato was interviewed by “日本の安全保障を考える,” a website run by internet TV ‘Channel J’. The interview was the fourth round of a series which interviews key figures and opinion leaders of security. In the interview, he analyzed the current situation and future prospects of US-China relations, which have a big …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on “日本の安全保障を考える” Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s book, “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える,” will be published on October 20, 2017

AP Initiative Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka’s book, “軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える(The real reason why soldiers shouldn’t be politicians –considering civil-military relations),” will be published on October 20, 2017 from Bungeishunju. 『軍人が政治家になってはいけない本当の理由 政軍関係を考える』 Author: Masayuki Hironaka Publisher: Bungeishunju Ltd. Published: October 20, 2017 Price: 860yen +tax ISBN-10: 4121024508 ISBN-13: 978-4-12-102450-3 * For details and order Bungeishunju Ltd. Amazon

AP Initiative welcomes Former U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman to Tokyo

From October 12 to 14, 2017, Asia Pacific Initiative (AP Initiative) was honored to host a visit by Dr. Michael Froman, who served in President Obama’s cabinet as U.S. Trade Representative (2013–2017), where he played a critical role in negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and achieved its broad agreement in October 2017, after five years …

AP Initiative welcomes Former U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman to Tokyo Read More »

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance,” was introduced in the Diplomacy and the Shukan Gendai magazine

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” was introduced in the Vol.45 Sep./ Oct. 2017 issue of the Diplomacy, a journal issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the September 30th, 2017 issue of the Shukan Gendai (written by Dr. Yasushi Watanabe, Professor at Keio University). * Please …

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance,” was introduced in the Diplomacy and the Shukan Gendai magazine Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s text, “North Korea crisis and Japan’s geopolitical challenge,” in the November issue of the Ushio magazine

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote “North Korea crisis and Japan’s geopolitical challenge” for the November issue of the Ushio magazine. It is introduced as an opening article of a special feature entitled ‘In the world being divided.’ In the article, Dr. Funabashi addresses ‘geopolitics’ and ‘geo-economics’ as the keywords with which to understand the …

AP Initiative Chairman’s text, “North Korea crisis and Japan’s geopolitical challenge,” in the November issue of the Ushio magazine Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared on a China Global Television Network’s discussion program, “World Insight”

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared as a panelist on a China Global Television Network’s discussion program, “World Insight,” on September 29. On the 45th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, panelists discussed the present situation of and future prospects for bilateral relations. Topics also included North Korea’s nuclear missile …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato appeared on a China Global Television Network’s discussion program, “World Insight” Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on ABC Radio Canberra

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato was interviewed by the ABC Radio Canberra program, “Breakfast,” and the interview was broadcasted on September 27, 2017. He delivered his views regarding the circumstances, background, and outlook of Japan’s dissolution of the lower house of parliament, especially its influence over diplomacy and constitutional revision. *Please click here …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s interview on ABC Radio Canberra Read More »

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 ),” was introduced in the Weekly Toyo Keizai

RJIF’s latest book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” was introduced in the September 23th, 2017 issue of the Weekly Toyo Keizai. * Please click here for details of the RJIF book “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代) “