Japan’s lost decades

Toward Japan’s rebuilding, it is imperative that we undertake a critical review of the country’s so-called “Lost Decade(s).” What specifically did Japan lose? How and why did Japan’s policies fail? What was the alternative? In light of the further economic and political meltdowns likely to cloud Japan’s prospects in the coming years, such questions must be addressed head-on.

Getting to the bottom of these questions goes beyond national concerns; it goes beyond rebuilding Japan. Given Japan’s key role in the regional order, Japan’s precipitous decline would gravely destabilize the Asia-Pacific and, more broadly, the world. It is crucial to shed light on this linkage.

In this sense, we reviewed past few decades from an international perspective rather than from a myopically Japan-centric one. The research took the format of a case study in 15 discourses. International research team collected the oral history, which the section authors then harness to compose the report. The team consists of both Japanese and international authors and researchers.

The Report

Why has Japan still not been able to recover after the collapse of the bubble economy? This is the key puzzle that this project seeks to answer. A team of leading Japanese and international experts were assembled to examine Japan’s “Lost Decades” from multiple perspectives, such as: Japan’s public finance, international relations, demographics, labor structure, women’s life patterns, intergenerational fairness, business and technological innovation, etc.
Japan’s experience has global relevance and there are lessons to be learned from Japan’s “lost 20 years.” Developed countries across the world are facing the same economic and social challenges that have plagued Japan. Accordingly, Japan can serve as a model for future policy initiatives that will contribute to providing solutions to shared global challenges in the 21st century.

Routledge Contemporary Japan Series
“Examining Japan’s Lost Decades”
Edited by Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman, RJIF and Barak Kushner, University of Cambridge, Reader, the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Publisher: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series
First Published: April 20, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1138885752

About the Project Amazon

The International Conference

The International Conference for the Lost Decades project was carried out May 10th – 12th.
The aim of the international conference is for the author and researchers to gather in Tokyo and hold discussions on the contents and linkage of each chapter besides the conceptual question of “what is the lost decades?”. Since the project was launched in January, the Japanese authors and researchers had held meetings on a regular basis and contact with the authors overseas were carried out through teleconference but this is an important milestone in the process of the project and to deepen the understanding between each theme and chapter to push forward on the research. The authors and researchers came to a conclusion on the image of the final output of the project in order to carry out actual interviews and surveys.

Day1: Plenary session

Day 1:Break-out session

Day 2:Plenary session (Videoconference from Washington)

Day3: Plenary session




Atsushi SEIKE
President, Keio University


【Fiscal deficit 】

President, the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)


【Monetary Policy】

Kenneth N. KUTTNER
Professor, Economics at Williams College


【Competitiveness (macro-level)】

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
Research Director of Canon Institute for Global Studies


【Competitiveness (micro-level) 】

Kazuhiko TOYAMA
CEO and Representative Director of Industrial Growth Platform, Inc., (IGPI)


【Globalization (Labor/Employment)】

Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History , Harvard University



Professor, Graduate School of Law and School of Public Policy, Kyoto University


【Fukushima (governance failure)】

President, Tokyo City University
Former president of Japan Science and Technology Agency



Takehiko KARIYA
Professor, Sociology of Japanese Society and Faculty Fellow, University of Oxford


【The Gulf War, PKO】

Michael J. GREEN
Senior Vice President for Asia / Japan Chair, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)
Associate professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service


【History Issues】

Kazuhiko TOGO
Professor, Kyoto Sangyo University
Director of Institute for World Affairs


【Trade (FTA)】

Emeritus Professor of Economics
the Head of the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research and East Asia Forum, the Crawford School of Public Policy , the Australian National University


【Trade (FTA)】

Research Fellow, the Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University



Sheila A. SMITH
Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)


【China and East Asia】

President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
President, JETRO Institute of Developing Economies


【Japan’s position in global community】

Nobumasa AKIYAMA
Professor, Graduate School of Law, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University


【Ideas and ideology】

Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Department of Politics and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University



Nobuhiro AIZAWA
Researcher, JETRO Institute of Developing Economies


Doctoral student, the Department of Law, Keio University


Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University


Former Professor, Faculty of Social Work, Japan College of Social Work


Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Waseda University


Shinichi NIKKUNI
MBA student at Judge Business School, the University of Cambridge


Ken Leonard Victor HIJINO
Associate Professor, Graduate School of System, Design and Management, Keio University


Ph.D candidate, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo


Tetsuya MURAI
Part-time Lecturer, the School of Law, Meiji University


Manager, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)



Senior Global Correspondent, the Asahi Shimbun


Editor / Project office

Senior University Lecturer, the Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (formerly the Faculty of Oriental Studies), the University of Cambridge


【Program Director】

Chairman, Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation

Former Editor-in-Chief and Columnist for the Asahi Shimbun


【Staff Director】
Fellow, Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation


Hiromi OZEKI
Assistant, Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation