Critical Review of the Abe Administration

Project Outline

The second Abe administration, which lasted for seven years and eight months, turned out to be the longest administration in Japan’s constitutional history. How was this made possible? What did this longest-served stable administration achieve and leave behind?

API’s “Critical Review of the Abe Administration” project aimed to examine the Abe administration’s governance and policy responses. The administration has worked on a wide range of policy challenges, including economic policy, diplomacy and security, work style reform, trade liberalization, and historical issues. This has been made possible by the administration’s distinctive style of governance, including strong leadership from the Prime Minister’s Office, ability to navigate party politics, and overwhelming victories in national elections. On the other hand, the Abe administration left many issues unresolved, including the revision of the Constitution, gender equality, and several scandals that have undermined the legitimacy of the country’s democracy.

This project took up nine major themes related to the policies promoted by the administration, and examined why and how each of these themes did or did not develop based on interviews with more than 50 people working with the administration. We believe that the lessons learned from this review are extremely important for rebuilding political centrism based on thorough debate and compromise, and for strengthening competitive party-based democracy in Japan.

Project’s Approach

In the “Critical Review of the Abe Administration”, we have organized the issues of the second Abe administration into nine major categories. Leading experts in each field have offered their insights on the chosen themes in each chapter. Since December 2020, the project had fourteen plenary meetings total, and the project team also held cross-disciplinary discussions. Professor Nakakita from Hitotsubashi University served as the chair of the project.

  • Economic policies (Abenomics): KAMIKAWA Ryunoshin
  • Elections and public opinions: SAKAIYA Shiro
  • Leadership of the Prime Minister’s Office: NAKAKITA Koji
  • Diplomacy and security: JIMBO Ken
  • TPP and trade: TERADA Takashi
  • Historical issues: KUMAGAI Naoko
  • Ruling-party governance: TAKENAKA Harukata
  • Women’s policy: TSUJI Yuki
  • Revision of the Constitution: Kenneth Mori McElwain
  • ※Detailed profile of each author follows below


    To examine the Abe administration from various perspectives, we conducted interviews with more than 50 key figures in the second Abe administration between July and November 2021. Due to the pandemic, most interviews were conducted online.

    ◎Interviewees (Only some are listed; without honorifics)
    ABE Shinzo/SUGA Yoshihide/KISHIDA Fumio/AMARI Akira/KATO Katsunobu/ISHIBA Shigeru/TANIGAKI Sadakazu/YAMAGUCHI Natsuo/KANNO Shiori/TSUJIMOTO Kiyomi and others


    検証 安倍政権

    On Decemner 12, 2023, Asia Pacific Initiative published “Critical Review of the Abe Administration: Politics of Conservatism and Realism”.

    Originally published in Bungeishunju in Japanese, this book examines policies pursued by the administration and its governance based on over 50 investigative interviews with key figures in the administration, including former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The contributors cover nine major policies, including economic policy, diplomacy and security, work style reform, trade liberalization, and historical issues, and explore why a specific policy was chosen at that time, who made that decision, and on what grounds. Reviewing such decision-making processes sheds light on the issue of governance. Consequently, this book also analyses the administration’s distinctive style of governance, such as strong leadership from the Prime Minister’s Office, ability to navigate party politics, and overwhelming victories in national elections.

    An essential for scholars and students in the fields of public administration, public policy, Japanese studies, and Asian Studies.

    First Published:December 12, 2023



    Project Members



    Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University




    KAMIKAWA Ryunoshin
    Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University



    SAKAIYA Shiro
    Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo



    JIMBO Ken
    MSF Executive Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
    Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University



    TERADA Takashi
    Professor of International Relations, Doshisha University


    KUMAGAI Naoko
    Professor, the School of Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin University



    TAKENAKA Harukata
    Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


    TSUJI Yuki
    Professor of Political Sociology, the School of Political Science and Economics, Tokai University.


    Kenneth Mori McElwain
    Professor of Comparative Politics, the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo




    FUNABASHI Yoichi
    Chairman, Global Council
    Founder, Asia Pacific Initiative


    SHIBATA Narumi
    Former Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Initiative


    Ishikawa Yusuke
    ISHIKAWA Yusuke
    Digital Communications Officer & Research Associate, Asia Pacific Initiative