
AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote an op-ed, “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons, Japan’s Bind,” for The New York Times, published on September 14, 2017. In this article, Dr. Funabashi explains the vulnerable predicament that Japan is in with regard to North Korea, lacking the ability to improve its defensive or offensive military capabilities any time …

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The New York Times Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Financial Times

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi wrote an op-ed, “Abe’s troubles with Trump could lead to his downfall,” published on August 31, 2017. (It was published on the FT website on August 30, 2017.) The article shows that the Abe administration and Japan’s Asia foreign policy agenda faces risks stemming from Trump’s unpredictability. It explores the …

AP Initiative Chairman’s op-ed published in The Financial Times Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference on August 29, 2017 (14:30-16:00), together with Dr. Takashi Terada, a professor at Doshisha University, and Dr. Ken Jimbo, an assistant professor at Keio University, both on the team of authors of an RJIF book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic …

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato spoke at Japan National Press Club’s press conference Read More »

RJIF’s book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” will be published on August 25, 2017

The RJIF’s book, “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance (現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代),” will be published on August 25, 2017, from Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc. “Geopolitical/Geo-economic Challenges to Japan-U.S. Alliance” 『現代日本の地政学 – 13のリスクと地経学の時代』 Edited by RJIF Publisher: Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc. First Published: August 25, 2017 Price: 900yen +tax ISBN-13: 978-4-12-102450-3 * For details and order Amazon Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc.

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium sponsored by The Global Forum of Japan

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the symposium, “The Japan-ASEAN Dialogue: Changing Regional Order in the Asia-Pacific and Japan-ASEAN Cooperation,” held at the International House of Japan in Tokyo on June 30, 2017. The event was co-sponsored by The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University and The University of …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium sponsored by The Global Forum of Japan Read More »

Policy proposal by The Evacuation of Hospitals in the Fukushima Sheltering Zone Project is taken up in the Cabinet Office’s “Expert recommendations: Disaster prevention 4.0 -Concept for the future-”

A policy proposal submitted by The Evacuation of Hospitals in the Fukushima Sheltering Zone Project has been taken up in the Cabinet Office’s “Expert recommendations: Disaster prevention 4.0 -Concept for the future-.” The policy proposal offers an idea of “personal-network help,” a new concept of disaster prevention and disaster response for surviving a crisis, in …

Policy proposal by The Evacuation of Hospitals in the Fukushima Sheltering Zone Project is taken up in the Cabinet Office’s “Expert recommendations: Disaster prevention 4.0 -Concept for the future-” Read More »

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Sydney Morning Herald

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato commented in The Sydney Morning Herald article, “Living in the shadow of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal,” published on August 11, 2017. In the article, which addresses how Japan responds to the growing threat posed by North Korea under the escalation of tensions between North Korea and the U.S., …

AP Initiative Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Sydney Morning Herald Read More »

“Today’s Journalism and Ishibashi Tanzan,” featuring the 4th conference of the Ishibashi Tanzan Society, in which AP Initiative Chairman participated as a panelist, has been published

A booklet, “Today’s Journalism and Ishibashi Tanzan –What should we learn from Tanzan in the era of populism and nationalism-,” featuring a panel discussion in the 4th conference of the Ishibashi Tanzan Society, in which AP Initiative Chairman participated as a panelist, has been published by the Ishibashi Tanzan Memorial Foundation. The symposium was held …

“Today’s Journalism and Ishibashi Tanzan,” featuring the 4th conference of the Ishibashi Tanzan Society, in which AP Initiative Chairman participated as a panelist, has been published Read More »

NHK BS Premium show “Showa no sentaku: Tanzan Ishibashi,” in which AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi appeared as a guest speaker, will be rebroadcasted

The NHK BS Premium show, “Showa no sentaku: Nuclear-free world and the challenge to authority – Reconsidering Ishibashi Tanzan,” in which AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi appeared as a guest speaker, will be rebroadcasted as below. Program (Japanese): Showa no sentaku: Nuclear-free world and the challenge to authority – Reconsidering Ishibashi Tanzan Rebroadcast August 17, …

NHK BS Premium show “Showa no sentaku: Tanzan Ishibashi,” in which AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi appeared as a guest speaker, will be rebroadcasted Read More »

An event co-organized by AP Initiative and CSIS to discuss the results of the fourth annual Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum (MSF) was held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

An event co-organized by the Asia Pacific Initiative (AP Initiative) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), ”The U.S.-Japan Alliance in an Era of Geo-Economic Competition – Insights from the Bilateral Military Statesmen’s Forum,” was held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on July 28, 2017. At the event, retired military leaders from Japan …

An event co-organized by AP Initiative and CSIS to discuss the results of the fourth annual Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum (MSF) was held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s conversation with Makoto Sakurai in the Bank of Japan PR magazine Nichigin (No.50)

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi had a conversation with Mr. Makoto Sakurai, member of the Policy Board of the Bank of Japan, which was published as ‘’Learning again from the history between the First World War and the Second World War” in Nichigin (No.50), the Bank of Japan PR magazine. Through comparison of today with …

AP Initiative Chairman’s conversation with Makoto Sakurai in the Bank of Japan PR magazine Nichigin (No.50) Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman’s interview on Japan Spotlight

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi was interviewed by the Japan Spotlight, an online English magazine by the Japan Economic Foundation. The interview was published in July/August 2017 issue (#214) under the title “Restoration of Liberalism & Promotion of Cooperation to Encourage Globalization — Commitment by Think Tank Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation.” In the interview, Dr. …

AP Initiative Chairman’s interview on Japan Spotlight Read More »

AP Initiative Chairman and Research Assistant’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum

AP Initiative Chairman Yoichi Funabashi and Harry Dempsey, his Research Assistant, co-authored the op-ed, “Trump threat drives Japan and China closer,” published on July 9, 2017. It was designated as the lead piece of the week. The article points out the influence of the Presidency of Donald Trump on Tokyo’s push to stabilize relations with …

AP Initiative Chairman and Research Assistant’s op-ed published in East Asia Forum Read More »

AP Initiative Fellow Hiroyuki Nakashima’s report is now available on AP Initiative website

AP Initiative Fellow Hiroyuki Nakashima’s report on a panel discussion held by the Brookings Institution, “Opportunities and Challenges for Development Lending in the Asia-Pacific,” is now available on AP Initiative website. *Please click here to read the report (only available in Japanese) *Please click here for details of the event

(Japanese) ブルッキングス研究所主催「アジア太平洋地域における開発融資の機会と挑戦」報告 / 中島裕行(主任研究員)

ブルッキングス研究所主催 「アジア太平洋地域における開発融資の機会と挑戦」報告 中島 裕行 (AP Initiative主任研究員) 6月12日、ワシントンD.C.のBrookings Institutionにて「Opportunities and Challenges for Development Lending in the Asia-Pacific」と題されたセミナーが開催され、先方の依頼を受けパネリストとして参加した1。本セミナーは、中国の一帯一路政策やAsia Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)設立に象徴されるアジアにおける地経学的なダイナミズムに対して、日本やアメリカ、世界銀行等の既存の開発金融機関がどう対応するかというテーマを、ワシントンでよく見られる「政治」や「経済」といった切り口でなく、「開発金融」を切り口として議論するというところに特徴があった。その切り口の目新しさも手伝ってか、会場にはほぼ満員の聴衆が集まり、活発な意見交換が行われた。   このテーマには、大きく分けて二つのポイントがある。一つはAIIBという開発金融の「新たな資金の出し手」の出現に対する日本・アメリカ・世銀等の受け止め方であり、もう一つは「新たな資金の出し手」の設立に止まらないより広範な中国の地経学的な戦略に対してアメリカや日本がどう対応していくか(とりわけトランプ政権が開発金融機関や経済援助に対する予算を大幅削減する中で)という点だ。   本セミナーは、Brookings InstitutionのMireya Solis日本部長がモデレーターを務め、アメリカからMr. Miles Kahler (Distinguished Professor, School of International Service, American University)、Mr. Scott Morris (Senior Fellow and Director of the U.S. Development Policy Initiative, Center for Global Development)、日本から中島、中国からMs. Hongying Wang (Associate Professor of …

(Japanese) ブルッキングス研究所主催「アジア太平洋地域における開発融資の機会と挑戦」報告 / 中島裕行(主任研究員) Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Daniel Franklin in the July issue of Bungeishunju magazine

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, had a conversation with Mr. Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist, which was published as ‘2050: Amazing technology will change the world’ in the July issue of Bungeishunju. They discussed issues related to expected future technologies introduced in the book, ‘MEGATECH: Technology in 2050’ …

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Daniel Franklin in the July issue of Bungeishunju magazine Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, wrote an op-ed, “Why Trump’s North Korea strategy can’t succeed,” published on June 11, 2017. The piece pointed out President Trump’s mistake on the thinking and strategy behind his approach, pushing China to shoulder the burden to solve the North Korean nuclear crisis, and gives …

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in The Washington Post Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held in New York City, co-organized by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and the Japan Society

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the symposium “North Korea Policy Under Trump: Is There a Deal?” held at the Japan Society in New York City on June 6, 2017, and co-organized by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and the Japan Society. Many were in attendance to hear Mr. Kato speak along with Dr. …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held in New York City, co-organized by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and the Japan Society Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s text, “Is there a way to denuclearization of North Korea?” in the July issue of the Ushio magazine

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, wrote “Is there a way to denuclearization of North Korea?” for the July issue of the Ushio magazine. It is introduced as an opening article of a special feature entitled ‘The World’s Signposts.’ In the article, Dr. Funabashi addresses options for getting out of the …

RJIF Chairman’s text, “Is there a way to denuclearization of North Korea?” in the July issue of the Ushio magazine Read More »

RJIF Chairman will appear on a NHK BS Premium show, “Eiyuutachi no sentaku: Kentaro Kaneko,” on June 1, 2017

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, will appear on the NHK BS Premium show, “Eiyuutachi no sentaku: Don’t let the U.S. get away! Emergency command: Kentaro Kaneko – Diplomatic battle under the Russo-Japanese War,” as a guest speaker on June 1, 2017 at 20:00. Program (Japanese): Eiyuutachi no sentaku: Don’t let …

RJIF Chairman will appear on a NHK BS Premium show, “Eiyuutachi no sentaku: Kentaro Kaneko,” on June 1, 2017 Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Washington Times

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato commented in The Washington Times article, “Protesters say THAAD missile system is more about U.S. militarism than South Korean protection,” published on May 22, 2017. In the article, which addresses U.S. intentions for THAAD deployment in South Korea, Mr. Kato noted the assumption that the deployment not only enhances …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comments in The Washington Times Read More »

RJIF’s book, “Personal networks and social resilience – The evacuation of hospitals in the Fukushima sheltering zone,” had its general release on May 15, 2017

RJIF’s project, “The Evacuation of Hospitals in the Fukushima Sheltering Zone,” which investigated the critical situation of medical institutions in the sheltering zone – a 20-30km area from TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station- at the time of accident, published its report on February 28, 2017, and this book now has been generally available since …

RJIF’s book, “Personal networks and social resilience – The evacuation of hospitals in the Fukushima sheltering zone,” had its general release on May 15, 2017 Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Kazutoshi Hando in the June issue of Bungeishunju magazine

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, had a conversation with Mr. Kazutoshi Hando, which was published under the title ‘Learn from the failure of the Pacific War’ in the June issue of Bungeishunju. The article was introduced under a special feature entitled ‘The Korean Peninsula Crisis.’ In the dialogue, Dr. Funabashi …

RJIF Chairman’s conversation with Kazutoshi Hando in the June issue of Bungeishunju magazine Read More »

RJIF Chairman spoke at Sasakawa USA’s Fourth Annual Security Forum held in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of RJIF, participated in Sasakawa USA’s Fourth Annual Security Forum, “The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Foundation of Asian Security,” held on May 2, 2017 in Washington, D.C. He spoke at the panel “Asia Policy under the Trump and Abe Administrations.” Dr. Funabashi talked about the impact of ‘Trump Shock’ on the future of …

RJIF Chairman spoke at Sasakawa USA’s Fourth Annual Security Forum held in Washington, D.C. Read More »

RJIF Chairman spoke at the Japan National Press Club as a guest speaker for their interview series

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of RJIF, spoke at the Japan National Press Club interview series, “Trump Administration: the future of the U.S. and the rest of the world.” He was the guest speaker for the sixth round entitled “World order in the Trump era,” held on April 26, 2017. In the interview, Dr. Funabashi analyzed …

RJIF Chairman spoke at the Japan National Press Club as a guest speaker for their interview series Read More »

RJIF Chairman participated in the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of RJIF, participated in the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington, D.C., held on March 24 to 26, 2017. Dr. Funabashi has been a member of the commission since 1991. The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe, and North America to foster …

RJIF Chairman participated in the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington, D.C. Read More »

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Center website

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, commented for an article, “Reflections on journalism across Asia,” which highlights the 15th anniversary of the Shorenstein Journalism Award, on the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Center (APARC) website. The article was published on April 18, 2017. The Shorenstein Journalism Award is an annual prize given …

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Center website Read More »

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Foreign Affairs website

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, commented for a survey article, “Is the Liberal Order in Peril?” on the Foreign Affairs website. The article was published on April 18, 2017. In the article, experts with regard to the question at hand, together with a few leading generalists in the field, were …

RJIF Chairman commented for an article on the Foreign Affairs website Read More »

RJIF Intern Jorel Chan held a photography exhibition at the Embassy of Japan in Singapore

H.E. Ambassador Kenji Shinoda and JCC Acting Director, Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Naohiro Tsutsumi with Mr. Jorel Chan © JCC 2017 The Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation Intern Jorel Chan held a photography exhibition, “Vestige of their Hearts,” at Embassy of Japan in Singapore’s Japan Creative Centre from March 11 to 18, 2017. It was a …

RJIF Intern Jorel Chan held a photography exhibition at the Embassy of Japan in Singapore Read More »

RJIF Chairman spoke at the New Economy Summit (NEST) 2017

  Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of RJIF, spoke at the New Economy Summit (NEST) 2017. He appeared as a speaker together with Mr. Peter Landers (Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal) and Ms. Kathy Matsui (Vice Chair, Co-head of Macro Research in Asia and Chief Japan Strategist, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.) in the session “Donald …

RJIF Chairman spoke at the New Economy Summit (NEST) 2017 Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s interview in The Strategist

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, was interviewed by The Strategist, the commentary and analysis site of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, an independent, non-partisan think tank based in Canberra, Australia. The interview was published on April 6, 2017. Dr. Funabashi answered questions including his evaluation of Prime Minister Abe’s management …

RJIF Chairman’s interview in The Strategist Read More »

Book review of “Galapagos Cool” published on DIAMOND ONLINE

DIAMOND ONLINE published a review of RJIF’s latest book, “Galapagos Cool.” The article mentioned that Japan’s frontiers as an advanced country on issues such as dealing with a rapidly aging society, etc., could become the frontiers for rest of the world, and such Japan’s contribution could also create its own future. The review introduces the …

Book review of “Galapagos Cool” published on DIAMOND ONLINE Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a round-table held by the International Friendship Exchange Council

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a round-table held by the International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC), “The prospects for U.S. policies and the Japan-U.S. relationship under the Trump Administration,” at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo on February 6, 2017. The round-table was moderated by Mr. Satoshi Morimoto, a professor at Takushoku University and …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a round-table held by the International Friendship Exchange Council Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held by the Global Forum of Japan

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium, “The Japan-U.S. Alliance in the Era of the Trump Administration: Crossroads or Continuity?” at the International House of Japan, co-hosted by the Global Forum with the Japan Forum on International Relations and the Institute of National Strategic Studies, on March 2, 2017. Mr. Kato participated …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a symposium held by the Global Forum of Japan Read More »

RJIF held its fifth anniversary event featuring two panel discussions, “21st Century Think Tank Vision” and “Why Japan Matters,” and the commemorative reception

Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation (RJIF) held its fifth anniversary commemorative event on February 28, 2017, at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo. We think of February 28th as RJIF’s true takeoff date. In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident, we took the standpoint that independence was essential in order to seriously examine a crisis that threatened …

RJIF held its fifth anniversary event featuring two panel discussions, “21st Century Think Tank Vision” and “Why Japan Matters,” and the commemorative reception Read More »

RJIF’s book, “Galapagos Cool,” was published on February 24, 2017

RJIF’s project, “Why Japan Matters,” has two broad goals. One is to reveal how Japan is already contributing to the world, and the other is to seek out areas in which Japan could potentially offer even more, and exert a greater global influence. Its aim is to come up with constructive criticism and creative proposals. …

RJIF’s book, “Galapagos Cool,” was published on February 24, 2017 Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a symposium held by the Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a symposium, “Future of the Trump administration and U.S-China relations,” held by the Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, on February 24, 2017. As a leading expert, he will talk about how China will adjust their diplomatic and security strategy. Please …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a symposium held by the Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC NewsRadio

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, was interviewed by the ABC NewsRadio program, “Japan in Focus: Abe meets Trump again, ROK-Japan relations remain tense and Nerd’s Nite in Tokyo,” and the interview was broadcasted on February 13, 2017. Dr. Funabashi delivered his views regarding the first official meeting between Prime Minister …

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC NewsRadio Read More »

RJIF Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka has co-written a report from Sasakawa USA

RJIF Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka has co-written a report from Sasakawa USA. This report is one of the first to examine the role of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) within the US-Japan alliance, and how the JSDF has over the years contributed to sustaining and enhancing the alliance. As the alliance further evolves, the JSDF …

RJIF Senior Fellow Masayuki Hironaka has co-written a report from Sasakawa USA Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato’s comment in a Bloomberg article

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato commented on the Bloomberg article on February 1, 2017, on the occasion of the first trip to Japan by a Trump administration cabinet member, U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis. Please click here to read the full article

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS (Washington, D.C.) was held at CSIS Headquarters

A co-organized event by the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation (RJIF) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) was held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on January 24, 2017. RJIF Chairman Dr. Yoichi Funabashi delivered opening remarks, and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato, and U.S.-Japan Strategic Vision Program Members Ken Jimbo (Associate Professor, …

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS (Washington, D.C.) was held at CSIS Headquarters Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a discussion held by the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a discussion, “Strengthening Atlantic-Pacific Partnership,” held by the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C., on January 27, 2017. Though the United States has alliances in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, they have tended to operate on separate policy tracks. In an increasingly globalized world, the result …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato will participate in a discussion held by the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Washington Post

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, published on January 18, 2017. The op-ed discussed Ambassador Caroline Kennedy’s manifold contributions to U.S.-Japan relations and its historic significance on the occasion of the end of her term in Japan. * Please click here to read the full …

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Washington Post Read More »

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS will be held at CSIS Headquarters(Washington, D.C.)

A co-organized event by the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation (RJIF) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) will be held at CSIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on January 24, 2017. RJIF Chairman Dr. Yoichi Funabashi will deliver opening remarks, and Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato, and Project Members Ken Jimbo (Associate Professor, Keio …

Co-organized event by RJIF and CSIS will be held at CSIS Headquarters(Washington, D.C.) Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a panel discussion held by the SAIS, a division of The Johns Hopkins University (Washington, D.C.)

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a panel discussion held in Washington, D.C. by the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), a division of The Johns Hopkins University, on January 6, 2017. In the event, “The Way Ahead: A Discussion of the U.S.-Japan Relationship under the Trump-Abe Administrations,” two panels …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a panel discussion held by the SAIS, a division of The Johns Hopkins University (Washington, D.C.) Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s article appeared in TIME magazine

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, wrote an article, “Donald Trump’s Shock Doctrine Will Make China Even Stronger,” for the December 26th issue of Time magazine. This article is also available on TIME’s website. The article discussed the potential risks to the Asia-Pacific region that could be triggered by a shift …

RJIF Chairman’s article appeared in TIME magazine Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Financial Times

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, wrote an op-ed for the Financial Times, published on December 7, 2016. The op-ed discussed the future of Russo-Japan relations, ahead of the President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe summit in Japan on the following week. The piece argues that the west should …

RJIF Chairman’s op-ed published in the Financial Times Read More »

RJIF Chairman interviewed by the BBC

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, was interviewed by James Harding (Director, BBC News) and Zanny Minton Beddoes (Editor, The Economist) for the BBC’s “On Background” radio program, which talks to experts about the big stories of the week. Dr. Funabashi commented on how he sees the trajectory of US-Japan relations …

RJIF Chairman interviewed by the BBC Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC RadioNews

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, was interviewed by the ABC NewsRadio program, “Japan in Focus,” and the interview was broadcasted on November 21, 2016. Dr. Funabashi delivered his views regarding the meeting between Prime Minister Abe and President-elect Trump held in New York City on November 17, 2016, and also …

RJIF Chairman’s interview on ABC RadioNews Read More »

RJIF Chairman’s interview on NewsPicks

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, was received an interview by NewsPicks. (Published on November 20, 2016) Regarding the emergence of President Trump, Dr. Funabashi talked about its meaning and its effects on the international order and Japan-U.S. relations. * Please click here to read the article (Japanese)

RJIF Chairman’s articles in the New York Times and the Straits Times

Dr. Yoichi Funabashi, Chairman of the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, has published two op-eds: “The Trump Effect on Tokyo” (The New York Times, November 15, 2016) and “A message from Asia-Pacific to President-elect Trump” (The Straits Times, November 16, 2016). Responding to the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, …

RJIF Chairman’s articles in the New York Times and the Straits Times Read More »

RJIF hosted two events for the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Annual Summit in Tokyo

On October 19, 2016, RJIF was pleased to host two events for the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) Annual Summit in Tokyo. The YGL is a global community of over 800 rising stars from diverse fields and sectors. RJIF gathered a panel of top experts and practitioners to speak to two groups of …

RJIF hosted two events for the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Annual Summit in Tokyo Read More »

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the Asian Research Network panel discussion

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in a panel discussion, “The Asian Research Network: Survey on America’s Role in the Asia-Pacific,” held by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, and Perth USAsia Centre at the the International House of Japan (I-House) in Tokyo on October 19, 2016. The …

RJIF Senior Research Fellow Yoichi Kato participated in the Asian Research Network panel discussion Read More »