Discussion: International Order (April – May 2021)
In the first installment of a three-part series, executives at the Asia Pacific Initiative — Chairman Yoichi Funabashi, Research Director Yuichi Hosoya and Ken Jimbo, Executive Director for the Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum — discuss how the international order involving the U.S. and China has evolved over the years and how it has affected the Japan-U.S. relationship.
What the evolving international order means for Japan
FUNABASHI Yoichi, Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative
HOSOYA Yuichi Research Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
JIMBO Ken MSF Executive Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
Managing the U.S. and China: Japan’s best way forward
FUNABASHI Yoichi, Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative
HOSOYA Yuichi Research Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
JIMBO Ken MSF Executive Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
How Japan can avoid losing out on the world stage
FUNABASHI Yoichi, Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative
HOSOYA Yuichi Research Director, Asia Pacific Initiative
JIMBO Ken MSF Executive Director, Asia Pacific Initiative